10194 Link transparentLink Housing Association achieve a saving of over 50% on consultant fees

The Link Group was formed in 1962 and has since become one of Scotland’s leading providers of housing and related services. Link reaches around 10,000 people across the Scottish central belt and is committed to providing new and improved homes for rent and sale, community regeneration services and support and care for individuals.

Having previously managed its energy needs internally, Link Group Ltd (Link’s parent company) made the decision that better value could be achieved by engaging an energy consultant to review and manage its energy procurement, implement a bill validation system and conduct a historic invoice review to identify overcharges and refund opportunities.

Link’s preferred route to market was to use a well known national procurement organisation that provides framework agreements for a wide range of services including energy.  Having evaluated the total costs of using a competitor’s framework agreement to appoint an energy consultant, Link discovered that they were able to achieve a saving of over 50% on the consultants proposed fees by using CPS.


“We were pleasantly surprised to see how much we could save using CPS’s Energy Consultant Framework Agreement compared to other framework agreements. CPS has managed to achieve a good deal for housing associations in the face of continuing energy price rises.


The additional benefit that CPS does not currently charge a management fee to use its framework agreements puts it ahead of the competition”


David Newton – Programme Management Coordinator, Link Group Ltd


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