
By tendering on behalf of all UK Registered Social Landlords and Housing Associations we are able to negotiate the best framework terms and conditions. Recent research by the CEBR indicates competitive public procurement costs are in excess of £40,000 with the full tendering process taking between 3-5 months. Using our EU compliant framework agreements can save you time and money.

Our Framework Agreements

We are the only national procurement consortium for the Housing Sector specifically providing energy related framework agreements. With a specialised knowledge of the housing and energy sectors we are well placed to meet your tendering needs.

Energy Procurement, Bill Validation and Bureau , Historic Cost Recovery and Auditing Services


By tendering on behalf of all UK Registered Social Landlords and Housing Associations we are able to negotiate the best framework terms and conditions. Recent research by the CEBR indicates competitive public procurement costs are in excess of £40,000 with the full tendering process taking between 3-5 months. Using our EU compliant framework agreements can save you time and money.CPS-Circle-Image-11

Our Framework Agreements

We are the only national procurement consortium for the Housing Sector specifically providing energy related framework agreements. With a specialised knowledge of the housing and energy sectors we are well placed to meet your tendering needs.

Energy Procurement Services, Bill Validation and Bureau Services, Historic Cost Recovery and Auditing Services.

Lot 1 – Energy Procurement

Energy (electricity and gas) procurement services including fixed, flexible and basket options.

Lot 2 – Bill Validation and Bureau Services

Bill Checking, Payment Reporting, Exception Reporting, Payment Allocation, Bill Query Resolution and Management.

Lot 3 – Historic Cost Recovery and Auditing Services

Identifying and reclaiming historic billing overcharges.

To access our framework agreements you need to become a member.
[button url=”http://tmh.704.myftpupload.com/contact/” new_tab=”” button_style=”btn-warning” button_size=”btn-small”] SIGN UP TODAY [/button]

Supply of Non Half Hourly Electricity, Half Hourly Electricity and Natural Gas
Lot 1 – Fixed Price Electricity Procurement Solutions

Fixed Non Half Hourly Procurement, Fixed Half Hourly Procurement, Fixed Unmetered Electricity Procurement.

Lot 2 – Basket/Flexible Electricity Procurement Solutions

Basket/Flexible Non Half Hourly, Half Hourly and Unmetered Electricity Procurement.

Lot 3 – Fixed Price Gas Procurement Solutions

Fixed Daily Metered Procurement, Fixed Non Daily Metered Procurement, Fixed Independent Gas Transporter Procurement.

Lot 4 – Basket/Flexible Price Gas Procurement Solutions

Basket/Flexible Daily Metered, Non Daily Metered and Independent Gas Transporter Gas Procurement.
