Energy Consultants

CPS has tendered two framework agreements for energy consultancy services as follows:

  • (Ranked) Energy Procurement, Bill Validation/Bureau Services and Historic Cost Recovery and Auditing Services; OJEU Ref 2014/S 055-092293.
  • (Competed) Energy Procurement, Bill Validation/Bureau Services and Historic Cost Recovery and Auditing Services; OJEU Ref 2014/S 055-092293.

EU procurement regulations allow multi-supplier framework agreements to award call-off contracts without re-opening competition (Ranked) or by re-opening competition (Competed) between the framework suppliers.

The services included within both frameworks are divided into Lots as follows:

Framework Suppliers

The appointed framework suppliers are as follows:

  • ista Energy Solutions
  • The Monarch Partnership
  • Utility Partnership Limited


Accessing the frameworks is very simply. Any UK registered social landlord can enjoy the many benefits it offers by following the steps below:

  • Contact CPS and confirm your requirements and potential for procuring them through the frameworks;
  • Agree with CPS which option you require:

    Option A – call off requirements from the framework yourself

    Option B – CPS to call off requirements from the framework on your behalf;

  • Sign the Access Agreement for the framework so that you can legally use the framework;

  • Carry out the call off process and award according to the framework agreement instructions.

Energy Consultants

CPS has tendered two framework agreements for energy consultancy services as follows:

1 (Ranked) Energy Procurement, Bill Validation/Bureau Services and Historic Cost Recovery and Auditing Services; OJEU Ref 2014/S 055-092293.

2 (Competed) Energy Procurement, Bill Validation/Bureau Services and Historic Cost Recovery and Auditing Services; OJEU Ref 2014/S 055-092293.

EU procurement regulations allow multi-supplier framework agreements to award call-off contracts without re-opening competition (Ranked) or by re-opening competition (Competed) between the framework suppliers.

The services included within both frameworks are divided into Lots as follows:

Lot 1 – Energy Procurement

Energy (electricity and gas) procurement services including fixed, flexible and basket options.

Lot 2 – Bill Validation and Bureau Services

Bill Checking, Payment Reporting, Exception Reporting, Payment Allocation, Bill Query Resolution and Management.

Lot 3 – Historic Cost Recovery and Auditing Services

Identifying and reclaiming historic billing overcharges.

Framework Suppliers

The appointed framework suppliers are as follows:

Accessing the Frameworks

Accessing the frameworks is very simply. Any UK registered social landlord can enjoy the many benefits it offers by following the steps below:

1) Contact CPS and confirm your requirements and potential for procuring them through the frameworks;

2) Agree with CPS which option you require:

Option A – call off requirements from the framework yourself

Option B – CPS to call off requirements from the framework on your behalf;

3) Sign the Access Agreement for the framework so that you can legally use the framework;

4) Carry out the call off process and award according to the framework agreement instructions.

Please contact us for more information about these frameworks.
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